Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sneak Peek

This 8 month old little boy was a cutie, but oh so tough! His mommy came prepared with several outfits, and in less than an hour he was in 4 different outfits on 3 different backgrounds. He just didn't want to smile for us, but that morning he also didn't take as long of a nap as usual. He did make some faces for me in the end, and I got a few of him clapping, sticking his tongue out, and finally smiling for his mommy!

This was the first time I used the gray backdrop, and I really like it! Perfect for those fall/winter portraits in long sleeves or sweater.

Doesn't he look like he's lounging here?

He really wanted that hat off!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Contest Results

Below are the winners and vote counts for the top 3 entries of each group:

2 weeks - 2 year olds group -- 1276 total votes
#4 -- 453 votes
#10 -- 439 votes
#6 -- 141 votes

3 - 10 year olds -- 285 total votes
#2 -- 113 votes
#3 -- 111 votes
#1 -- 39 votes

11-17 year olds -- 165 votes
#1 -- 127 votes

Each entry with the most votes in their category will receive a free session and a $50 credit to apply to their order, and all other entries will receive a free session and a $10 credit to apply to their order.

Congratulations to all the winners, and thank you to everyone for entering the contest!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Go Redskins!

My family is all for the Redskins, so in honor of beating the Cowboys tonight....

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Myspace Comments

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Saturday, September 27, 2008

Family Sneak Peek

I met this family in Caroline County for an evening session at this beautiful pond. I've been doing a lot more outdoor sessions lately, and I'm finding it does not matter where you are, kids are always curious about their surroundings. It's much easier to get their attention in a studio set up for a longer period of time than the short attention span they seem to experience outdoors. Granted, this place is beautiful, and there is so much to look at! This Mom warned me that the little guy might not smile, and most of the time he did not, but I did get a few of him with his sister and he was laughing. At the end he wanted to see his picture on the camera, so I showed him, and asked him if he was done with me, he said, "yea, bye." These two might look familiar since they entered in two of the age groups in my last contest, and the little girl won the 3-10 year old group. She was a real sweetie, very quiet, and seems to always tilt her head in pictures, but I thought that was cute. I hope the family enjoys this sneak peek, and the proofs will be ready soon!

I know this one is really far away, and the family blends in in the busy landscaping, but I loved that you could see their reflection in the pond. If you look down below the white box with my logo, you'll see them!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

Sneak Peek

This little guy is too cute! Just talking made him smile, but it was hard to get his attention because there was just so much for him to see. At this age they are so inquisitive that it seems it's hard for me to hold or even get their attention no matter where the session is. In his exploration he found pine cones, bugs, sticks, shells...you name it, he found it, and wanted to study and play with every little thing. I sure had fun following him around though! Once again, I don't know what Blogger does to images, but the colors are much richer than they appear.

Love that smile!

This is one of my personal favorites!

Another of my favorites!

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Welcome Fall!

This is my FAVORITE time of year! I love the fall - the changing leaves, the cooler weather, opening windows, long sleeve shirts, trips to the pumpking patch, the pumpkin spice scent warming, and the start of the holiday season!

On another note, I have had 3 sessions since Friday, so there will be some very cute sneak peeks on here soon. I try to get the sneak peeks up within a day or two of the session, but I'm not used to having so many sessions in such a short timeframe and I'm still working out my system to make sure I get sessions, proofs, and orders done in a timely fashion. So check back in the next day or two for sneak peeks!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

CONTEST! Age Group: 2 weeks-2 years old

Please take a moment to vote for your favorite entry in each age group (there are 3 seperate posts for each age group). You will have until 11:59 p.m. on Sunday, September 28th to vote, so email a link to all of your family, friends, coworkers, and neighbors to have them participate in the voting as well!

Age Group: 3-10 years old

Age Group: 11-17 year olds

Friday, September 19, 2008

Family Sneak Peek

We met with a very fun family this week to take some outdoor shots. Their little boy and girl were so cute and sweet, and had such a good time playing with Mykenzi and Camden after their session was over, kicking Camden's Mickey Mouse ball around and playing on the playground. I found a neat location, but unfortunately I don't think I got there soon enough for sufficient sunlight, so from now I'll be booking all outdoor sessions about 1.5 to 2 hours prior to sunset. I didn't have this problem over the summer, but it appears to have been an issue this week that needs to be avoided.

Trying something different...



By the way, I've noticed that the color in images is slightly lighter when I upload to the blog, so that's actually a darker pink in both images. Something to keep in mind during your sneak peeks!

New Album and Mini Album Collections!

Many people have inquired about 4x6 prints since I did not originally offer them, and most of the time I'm hearing that the reason most people want that size is for scrapbooking. I know I also like 4x6s for albums, so I decided to create two new collections that offer a discount for ordering large quantities of 4x6s. Prices are below:

-- Mini Album Collection includes 15 4x6s in all the images of your choice (you may select 15 different images or multiples of the same image) for $90.00 ($6.00/each).

-- Album Collection includes 30 4x6s, again in all the images of your choice, for $150.00 ($5.00/each).

The regular price of a 4x6 is $7.00.

All prices are 25% off if you book now!

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Get your contest entries in!

Have you sent in your entry? I will still be accepting entries through Saturday evening, and all entries will be posted here on Sunday!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Cards on Professional Photo Paper

The prices for cards that I posted about previously were for cards that are press printed on cardstock, which are available as two-sided flat and folded with a minimum of 25 per order. However, in an effort to offer a more affordable option, I am also offering the same card designs printed on professional photo paper, just like your portraits.

PRICES (15/set)
4x6 - $14.00
5x7 - $16.50

These cards are obviously flat and one sided. See my card gallery for designs!

How sweet is this?

The way his little feet are curled in almost looks like a heart, at least that's what I immediately think of when I look at it, and then that big smile of his (looking up at his mommy of course). It's just oh so sweet, I had to share it!