Saturday, December 6, 2008

My Son's 18 Month Photos

Whew! Now that I'm finished with all of your sessions, except placing orders, I decided to tackle the task of my son's 18 month photos. What a job!! I haven't done his pictures since he turned 12 months, and it was much, much easier then. He's at that difficult age, combined with the fact that he was really ready for a nap when we finally went down to do these. I know, bad timing, but we realized the Santa parade in Colonial Beach started at 1:00, it was 10:00 at the time, so we gave them both a quick bath, and he seemed to be in a great mood so we thought, why not? It worked long enough to get a few great shots for his 18 month photos, but then I decided to push it and do their Christmas photos. That's when he got angry, and I got a seriously angry shot when I tried to put them together, after we got them both dressed! That turned into a session mainly of Mykenzi, which I think turned out well (I'll post those when they are ready), so we'll be going back down one evening or next weekend to try again! Anyway, enjoy my favorites from today!

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